Tel Aviv is hands-down the gay capital of the Middle East, so it comes as no surprise that the city simply radiates an open and gay-friendly attitude. As opposed to having an identified gay area in...
Tel Aviv is hands-down the gay capital of the Middle East, so it comes as no surprise that the city simply radiates an open and gay-friendly attitude. As opposed to having an identified gay area in Tel Aviv, the city as a whole is pretty much gay-friendly.
Tel Aviv has become a very popular gay destination more so because of its well-known Line Parties, as opposed to any set bars or clubs. These parties are organized by private associations, and offer a new theme and venue each week. Keep in the loop when you visit Tel-Aviv, and be sure to attend one, or many of these! You won’t be disappointed.
While much gay life in Tel Aviv revolves around these Line Parties, there are other permanent gay bars and clubs throughout the city that you should definitely visit. Tripple Club is a very popular place, particularly on Thursday nights when it hosts BEEF night for bears. On Friday nights, Minus 1 is one of the hottest places to go thanks to its weekly Boyling party. The Block is also a popular gay club in Tel-Aviv, and welcomes top DJs as well as Circuit Parties.
While the night-time partying scene in Tel-Aviv may be a big drawcard for gay travelers, the city’s coastal location also makes gay beaches a must. The most popular gay beach in Tel Aviv is Hilton beach, which as the name might suggest, is located directly opposite Hilton Tel Aviv hotel. Expect to see both single gay men and gay couples soaking up vitamin D and mingling with fellow beach goers.
If you find yourself in need of additional assistance while in Tel Aviv, be sure to stop by the city's LGBT Community Center, which you will find in centrally-located Meir Garden.
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