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Gay Siponto

South Siponto Beach

71043, Siponto, Italy

Siponto Beach as the name would suggest is located in the town of Siponto, in the province of Foggia, Italy. The golden sands make it a popular place for both Italian and international beachgoers. If you are looking for the gay-friendly section, head to South Siponto beach. Here you will not only see gay guys enjoying the sea, sun, and sand, but they will also likely be in the nude as this is a naturist-friendly gay beach in Italy. If you head towards the encircling sand dunes, you will likely encounter gay guys who are up for some gay cruising. 

Siponto is located roughly 90 minutes north of Bari, and access is best via car along the autostrada. Parking options are available in the town, and from there, the gay beach is just a short walk. 

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South Siponto Beach
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71043, Siponto, Italy -
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