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Gay Saskatoon

Cranberry Flats

306, Saskatoon, Canada

Cranberry Flats is a conservation area located near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, known for its scenic views, sand dunes, and riverbank areas. This beach offers a welcoming and inclusive environment, with a relaxed atmosphere where visitors can enjoy the sun, sea, and sand.

Just outside Saskatoon on Lorne Ave, turn right at the first crossroads past the old German club (marked by a white abandoned building on the right-hand corner). Proceed until you see a sign on the left indicating a left turn towards the beach. Continue past the public entrance until you reach another crossroads on the left. Park alongside the roadway, cross the fence, and follow the trails down to the beach along the Saskatchewan River. Enjoy the nice sands and friendly people at this serene beach destination.

Cranberry Flats is known for its natural beauty and relatively secluded spots, making it an attractive destination for those seeking a quieter and more private outdoor experience. The area's acceptance and inclusivity are reflected in the diverse groups of people who visit and enjoy the natural surroundings.

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306, Saskatoon, Canada -
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