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Gay Plouharnel

Plouharnel beach

Plouharnel, France

A few miles from Carnac, the gay beach of Plouharnel is a beach of fine sand and beautiful dunes, nicknamed Tatabeach by connoisseurs, at the entrance to the Quiberon peninsula. Nudism is accepted but not official. It is however forbidden in the dunes, which are very crowded. Beware of the various patrols.

From Plouharnel, follow Quiberon to the railroad, turn right after the crosswalk, direction "La Guérite". Drive about 500 meters in the woods and moors, then turn left at the intersection, towards the Ty Hoche parking. When you are in front of the beach, turn left for about 100 meters. At the level of the blockhouse, you have arrived. The gay beach is just behind the nudists.

Plouharnel beach is a gay cruising spot in Plouharnel, France.

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Plouharnel, France -
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