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Gay Studland

Studland Bay

BH19 3AH, Studland, United Kingdom

Studland Bay is a beautiful and expansive natural bay located on the Isle of Purbeck in Dorset, England. It is situated on the eastern coast of the English Channel and is known for its stunning scenery, clear waters, and golden sand beaches.

The gay-friendly bay stretches for over three miles and is surrounded by rolling hills, sand dunes, and heathland, making it a popular destination for walkers, hikers, and nature lovers. Studland Bay is well-known for being a naturist (nudist) beach. The beach has a designated naturist area, which is located at the northern end of the beach, and is signposted as such. 

This area has been a popular location for LGBTQ+ naturists for many years, and it is widely accepted by both locals and visitors. However, it is important to note that while the northern end of the beach is designated for naturists, the rest of the beach is not, so visitors should be respectful of the naturist area and observe the signage. Overall, Studland Bay is a picturesque and peaceful destination that offers visitors a chance to relax and unwind in a stunning natural setting.


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Studland Bay
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BH19 3AH, Studland, United Kingdom -
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