While Athens does not have an identified gay district, most gay life can be found around the Gazi neighborhood. Formerly a gas works area, Gazi has shed its once industrial skin, and is now home to...
While Athens does not have an identified gay district, most gay life can be found around the Gazi neighborhood. Formerly a gas works area, Gazi has shed its once industrial skin, and is now home to a buzzing community of gay-friendly bars, restaurants, and clubs. You can easily reach Gazi by metro. Hop off at Kerameikos station, and follow Iera Odos and Megalou Alexandro streets.
A popular port of call in Gazi is Del Sol Cafe/Bar. This attracts a gay crowd most nights, and offers a terrace which looks out onto Gazi’s main square - the perfect place to people-watch! While Athens may be a little more conservative in terms of an LGBTQ scene, there is no shortage of place to go gay clubbing in the city. Bears will rejoice in Bears Garage, which is open every night except Tuesday, from 9pm.
Sodade is also a great place for dancing, mingling, and everything in between. This popular nightclub offers two different spaces: the main bar which is jam-packed with party revellers dancing to top hits, and a significantly more chilled bar which is great for making new friends.
For gay cruising in Athens, Alexander Sauna is a good option. Here, you can not only experience an active cruising scene, but also other gay entertainment options, including a bar, movie projections, and a foam playroom.
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