After the success he had with the Black Eyed Peas, Will.I.Am wants to go solo for a while. He launches #willpower, an album which he is particularly proud of. Let there be no mistake. The "will" as of in #willpower has nothing to do with narcissism as it is not his name, but the actual word "will." We could understand the title of the album by "the power of the will." As a demonstration that when you want to, you can. And that it is possible "to make your dreams come true", with "sacrifice and tenacity"
Many featurings are present in the album : Britney Spears (Scream & Shout) and Justin Bieber (# thatPower) but also icole Scherzinger, Chris Brown, David Guetta ... prestigious cooperations that eventually mark the singer's career.
And since it is often said that the music softened manners, we wanted to ask Will.i.am what hios opinions on gay marriage were and here's what he told us: “The society realizes that people should have the right to make the decision of who they wanna be with for the rest of their life. Whether it is a guy that want to be with a girl, a guy that want to be with a guy… they should be able to be with them for the rest of their life. To me all this suffers distraction. People should be able to marry and be with who they want, and let’s focus on the real issues... which are education, health and the things that kill people. Who you want to marry will not kill anybody.”

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