One of the most talked about gayborhoods in Brighton is Kemptown - a little gay village to the east of Brighton, around the St. James Street strip. It’s one of the city’s liveliest...
One of the most talked about gayborhoods in Brighton is Kemptown - a little gay village to the east of Brighton, around the St. James Street strip. It’s one of the city’s liveliest quarters with gay bars like the Marlborough that was established in the 20th century, fabulous tea salons like the Metrodeco, brunch spots like the Compass Point, gastropub Busby and Wilds and much more. The neighborhood boasts Regency-inspired architecture and the remnants of the Art Deco movement.
Hanover is another known gayborhood haven for yuppies, hipsters, bohemians and families alike. Known for its luminous and colorful houses, this borough sits atop a very steep hill. Want to grab a pint? No matter where you stay in Hanover, you’re never more than two minutes from a local pub. You can also head on over to the infamous Hanover Pub Crawl.
Hove is one of the best neighborhoods in Brighton for a group of travelers seeking a home away from home. The perfect place in Brighton where you’ll find regal streets, spacious squares, and elegant apartments, you'll be more than comfortable in Hove. Because of its small village charm, you can simply take a walk to savor delicious cheese at La Cave Au Fromage, visit the Old Market, visit Brighton Fishing Museum or relax and enjoy a picnic at Hove Park.
Read moreWith misterb&b, experience a more welcoming world. From private rooms and apartments to LGBTQ-friendly hotels and LGBTQ+ vacation rentals, you have the option to stay in the heart of gay districts as well as other neighborhoods in the places you visit. A loft in Soho, a shared room in Barcelona or the Castro, a gay-friendly hotel in Le Marais or in Chelsea, experience misterb&b in all worldwide gay travel destinations! Activate weere on your profile and connect with other misterb&b travelers at your destination city or hotel! Problems with misterb&b? Please refer to our Help Center. And whether you type gay bnb, gaybnb, mister b&b, mrb&b, mister b and b or misterbandb when you search for us, there's only one misterb&b! misterb&b is not affiliated, endorsed, or otherwise associated with Airbnb, neither with misterbnb, mrbnb or mr bnb.